Tuesday, August 2, 2011

free crappy portraits.

 AHH! Guys. This is so cute. Via Busy Bee Lauren I found this link to free crappy portraits. Bascially you send in a photo [I sent in the one above] and a little blurb about you.. Mine went something like: 
My name is Brooklyn and this is my little puppy Miley. Im 6'1" and she is 3 pounds. I am en route to hopefully become a lawyer some day. In the mean time I like dancing and modeling. 
that was yesterday. And just two mins ago I was super excited to see in my inbox this:

Thank you FCP. 
Do your own! Let me know how they turn out!



  1. hahaha i actually drew this picture! i'm glad you liked it----it's officially my first piece of commissioned art...also, i'm from alberta too! small world, eh?

  2. Ah gorgeous!

    I hope you check out my blog also, I am having an amazing giveaway right now that you can't miss out on.
    It's a gorgeous $168 pearl necklace.

    Check it out!


